Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Continuing Leprosy

Luke's account of the encounter of ten lepers with Jesus might serve us well in a world that is so fast-paced, so multi-tasked, so laden with interruptive thoughts, words and actions. "How so?" you might ask.
We see two kinds of leprosy in this story. There is the physical leprosy, Hansans Disease, that eats away at the skin. There is so clearly evident here the invisible spiritual or psychological leprosy that brings "ingratitude and unthanfulness" (Kierkegaard).
One leper recognized that Jesus had brought about a physical healing. He turned and went back in thanksgiving.
A genuine challenge in our busy world is not to overlook that God is the source of goodness experiences. At the present time many men and women are unemployed ... not their choice. Naturally their concern is themselves and their families. Forgetting that God is the source of the goodness we receive can easily happen in the distress of the moment.
The challenge in overcoming this kind of leprosy is to find every opportunity to recognize all of the ways God blesses even during times of financial crises, illnesses and when despair sits in the heart.
There are many experiences of God-goodness that fill a day. Seeing these blessings is an opportunity to raise the head above the pulling down events.