Following yesterday's questions, "Who do you say that I am?", we might consider another questions raised in today's first reading from the liturgy: "Where is God in our world today?" Isn't it ironic: the more knowledge we amass, the less certain we might be about where we can find God today.
"Where?" would be your response to today's question? Where in your very busy world today would you find Jesus? Surely some might immediately respond, "Of course, he is in the tabernacles of our chapels and churches." Some might remember to say, "He's present in the words of Scripture. But how many have the time or purpose to bring themselves to a church or chapel each day? How many of us open a bible or book of prayers to wrestle with Jesus' teachings and our inner searchings?
There is an answer in this reading. "See, I am coming to dwell among you, says the Lord." A promise that was fulfilled long before any of us were even thought about except in the mind of God.
So many events, duties and calls to help others tie up not just the minutes but the hours of each one's days. Frustration, exhaustion and emptiness might lead to a sad response: I cannot say I experience where God is.
All our activities easily become like intensely dark sunglasses that interfere with our spiritual vision. The many distractions we let control our days block out our ability to realize God's presence around us.
Where is God? A good question once or twice a day!