Friday, February 25, 2011

Saturday: The Mystery of the Child

In today's gospel, Mark 10:13-16, there are words that, when fully understood, are genuine eye openers!  In essence, Jesus is teaching adults a lesson, one perhaps too easily overlooked or not understood.  For certain what Jesus says about children would greatly unsettle the cultural understanding that children had not reached the status of being fully a human person.  He is teaching his contemporaries and all subsequent generations that children are our spiritual teachers.  Even in our present culture few would look to children as having a genuine spiriutuality.  Yet, Jesus says to us:  "Amen (translation = 'so be it'), I say to you, whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."

This is truly a life stopper!  What does Jesus mean?  Have we ever taken the time to try understanding what Jesus is calling us to understand?  Why would Jesus remind his disciples "the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these"?  What is there in children that Jesus wants humankind to recognize in how children approach the Kingdom of God?  How do children "accept the Kingdom of God" differently than adults?  Jesus, in this instance does not hesitate to put before us a truly challenging consideration.  What is it, how is it that children come to accept the Kingdom of God that we adults might easily overlook?
Not being a parent but having watched seventeen nephews and nieces struggle with their parents and grandparents to be the spiritual teachers Jesus says they are, I am forced to wonder what Jesus means.  So, I am sitting and wondering what it is that these young people can teach us today.  Simplicity?  Children are so free in spirit.  Honesty?  Out of the mouths of babes!  Love?  Their need to be cuddled, to be affirmed teaches us what loving means.  Wonder?  How many times have their been when greeting children after Mass that I could see a youngster standing back and staring my way.  After a few words the inevitable question is placed?  "Are you God?  Amazing what vestments will do!  Consider how your heart and mind are moved when you hold a little child -- why else would you be so caught up in the wonder of the reality:  you are holding a child of God!