Monday, April 4, 2011

Tuesday: The Pain of Healing!

Today we encounter a man who has borne a debilitating health situation for many years and no doubt would have continued for many more.  Jesus came into the picture, however.  A simply question:  "Do you want to be well?"  Of course the man, like anyone who has been held back for so long, responded in the affirmative.  The healing, however, brings with it a challenge that the man may not have anticipated.  The healing will, without doubt, dramatically change the man's life.  Perhaps like winning the lottery.  Or better yet, just a new pair of shoes:  it takes some time to break them in, for the feet to become accustomed to the new footwear.  The healed man now has to adapt his life to new circumstances.  Most likely he will not be able to spend his day lying near the pool, waiting for someone to carry him to the healing waters.  A new lifestyle is good but it requires adjustment of one's prior ways.
So, too, for those who have remained apart from God for some time.  It is a wonderful experience to be asked "Do you want to be freed from you sins and what brings them about?"  Freed from sin, we are called to a new way of life.  Redemption comes with its own cost that many don't think about at first.  Once forgiven, any individual will encounter those challenges to return to the ways of sin that were so comfortable and easy.  Turning away from sinfulness, especially habitual sins, will be a challenge.  The power of the evil one will always attempt its own resurrection in the life of one who has turned away from sin to be with the Lord again.  So, the pain of healing!