Monday, December 12, 2011


Today's gospel reading brought to mind the picture above because it said to me "Which way are you going to go?"  We know the story of the two sons and how the first son's refusal and later decision to fulfill his father's will stand in great contradiction to the second son who said "Yes," but had no intention of following his father's wishes.  It seems that duplicity is so much worse that saying "No" but then having a change of heart.

Eleanor Roosevelt spoke these words:  In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves.  The process never ends until we die.  And the choices we make are ultimately our own.  

Think back to December, 2006.  Can you recall where you were or what you were doing?  Are you any different today than you were then?  Some would say that you are no different.  You may have added or lost a few pounds.  You may have less covering on the top of your head.  Basically, I am the same person I was in 2006 except for this fact:  my choices have made me different in some ways.

During these last two weeks of Advent, we will find ourselves and our lives under the influence of choices ... because the pre-Christmas days and events necessitate some change in our lives.

In those past five years I know that I have attempted to adjust to a life of post-surgery and the reality that I have coronary heart disease.  So during these years my mind has turned to determining what should I be in these later years of my life.  The choices I have made and will make determine so much of what I can be.  Pythagoras had these words for people like me:  "Choices are the hinges of destiny."

What I have finally begun to realize is a true challenge at least to me:  at this time in my life to decide what I want to be demands that I have to say to myself "I will stop doing this or that."  Choices!  Choices!