Wednesday of Easter Week - 2012
The two readings may seem at first to be unrelated. Yet, in them there is a message for me that I wish to share with you this morning. Again, for me, it is a part of the following in the footsteps of Jesus. Like Peter and John and like the two distraught disciples of Jesus, these men are similar to the day-to-day life that I live and most likely like most of you who read these words live.
How many times have I allowed my mind and heart to be taken by a search of temporal goods? Peter and John are a reminder that the Word of God is so much more rewarding.
How many times have I allowed my mind and heart to be taken by doing things? The two distraught disciples walking away from Jerusalem are a reminder that there are times when doing has to be put aside and I need to listen to what is in Sacred Scripture.
Where are the words of today's readings and Jesus' teachings leading me today? Do I truly want to be healed of distractions that lead me away from Jesus Christ? I am willing to make changes in my life that are spoken to me by the Word in Sacred Scripture? Do I take the time to assure myself that what happened to the crippled man and the frightened disciples can happen in my life? Look at the picture for a few moments with these questions in mind. You may find yourself walking beside those same foot prints ,,, knowing that you are walking with the Great Healer, the Word Himself.