Dear Friends,
Another New Testament story as we begin the most sacred of weeks and liturgies in our Roman Catholic Religion. It is also the week that brings us face to face with the most sacred moments for us in our relationship, our faith, with Jesus.
As our 2014 Lent is ending, consideration of our "performance" is present in the minds of those who have seriously worked at deepening their faith, strengthening their commitment of the Jesus message that has been presented to us throughout the days of Lent. Perhaps this consideration of "how we did" can help us look more clearly at either the need for or the use of our priorities. The comparison between Mary and Judas is a call to understand priorities.
Mary's action, washing the feet of Jesus with very expensive oils, is criticized by a man we might designate even at this moment in Jesus' life, as a hypocrite. Judas' concern for the poor: Is it real? This though may have come to your mind in reading the first reading today. Certainly his performance on Holy Thursday evening, would lead us to so think about him.
Therefore, this is a time to consider our priorities. What have my prayer, my quiet reflections, my sacrifices during this Lent: What has all of this taught me about myself. Of course a part of this evaluation might have become a genuine look at priorities.
May the days of this Holy Week be for you, my friends, a time of sincere conversation with Jesus about your life and your effort to establish or to fortify your resolutions you feel are necessary in your life.
Let this week be days of some quiet, some peaceful moments with The Lord Jesus be it in a church or chapel or in the universe-chapel (nature) or your favorite place to find an opportunity to visit with Jesus.
Do my priorities help me or have I lost them or ignored them?
Oremus pro invicem,
Fr. Milt