Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Gift and Betrayal on Holy Thursday

From the Hermitage

Thursday of Holy Week

Dear Friends,

There are two points for your meditation on this sacred day.  For the priests of the world Holy Thursday is the commemoration of the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood  The celebration of the Lord's Supper is very special to those called by God to the priestly vocation.  Today, as you allow your mind and heart to reflect on the gift of the Eucharist and Priesthood, imagine you are sitting at the table with the Apostles and Jesus hands you a piece of bread so unlike the small wafers of contemporary form.  Regardless of its form, hear Jesus say the words so meaningful:  "this is my body".  Likewise, as he hands you a cup of wine, hear these words:  "this is my blood."  

Consider how you would feel when he speaks to you.  Consider as well, what do you think Jesus would thinking?  He disregards whatever may have been sinful in your life.   He must have been aware, however, of all the good you would do throughout your lifetime.  Maybe He would think of the many times you would receive the Eucharist in your lifetime.  These may well have been more meaningful to him than the times sin may have taken some control over your life.

The second point relates to the extraordinary moment when Jesus handed a piece of the bread to Judas Isacariot.  What must He have thought?  Here I am giving "my body and blood" to this poor man who is so taken by greed that within a short time he would betray Jesus.  Yet he does not hesitate.  Likewise imagine what must have been running through the mind of Judas as Jesus approaches him and presents him with the very first Eucharist.  What was it like to accept the piece of  bread from Jesus when later in the evening he would betray Jesus;  when he would lead those given him just 30 pieces of silver to sever a friendship?

Pray on this Holy Thursday for strength when temptation tries to lead you to sin. and to realize that the Eucharist can be your support in such moments.

Oremus pro invicem!

Fr. Milt