From the Hermitage
Tuesday of the Fifth Lenten Week
Dear Friends,
Let us take a few moments to examine our personal relationship with God. TO do this begin with an understanding of the gospel reading for today, John 8: 21-30 the story of Jesus trying to make clear to many then and now who He truly is.
His words make clear that He is not of our world. He is one who comes from the Father. He is one with the Father. To know Jesus is to know the Father.
We hear these words so often, do we not? Perhaps that frequency makes it more difficult in our lives today. During Lent we do have the opportunity to take time to deepen our awareness of this Jesus truly is.
What does it mean to me, to us, that this Jesus is the Son of God? How do I live my life so that it makes manifest my, our, realization that ours is a unique gift. This Jesus is the one to who I owe my new life when it come. His sufferings, his pains are an insurance policy for those who want to be welcomed into the heavenly kingdom.
Coming to know more and more about Jesus as we grow older each day is for us something like unwrapping a gift at Christmas or on a birthday or special anniversary.
Today, let us take some time to be in Jesus' presence, just looking at him, just imagining his love for each of us. It is a gift that makes us beneficiaries of the greatest gift in the world, our salvation.
Oremus pro invicem,
Fr. Milt