Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Thy Kingdom Come!

From the Hermitage

Dear Friends,

Good morning.  Seems that most of our readings for the last week or so have focused on several images of the Kingdom of God several times.  Looking for and finding the pearl of great price.

Isn't that what has happened to Jeremiah in his life with his special calling by Yahweh?  After he found Yahweh's "word" to him, he was consumed by a desire to read, read and read more of what Yahweh had spoken to earlier prophets.

Then we find his sadness returns, his frustration.  Being one called by God to a special vocation is not an easy life.  Everyone of us is the same in one way:  God has given us a special vocation.  We are not just brought into this world as another human being.  We come as human but with a God given vocation or mission.

Our vocation each day is a search for the pearl.  And, of course, we have to take the time to savor what we come upon.  We may not find it spelled out on the pages of a book.  Yet, we can discover or better understand when we take the time, yes, again and again, take the time to be alone with God.

Summer schedules for most of us do leave time for God if we look upon it as the great discovery of the pearl that is the Kingdom of God for each of us.

Time, quiet and prayer.  It seems this is the recipe for understanding the great discoveries we can have when we are with the Lord in prayer.

Oremus pro invicem!

Fr. Milt