Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is It Truly Unfair?- August 20, 2008 Reflection

In today's readings we learn how God looks upon those who have a responsibility for shepherding flocks and a challenge to the equality of disciples in the reward of inheriting eternal life.

The event of the gospel is peculiar to Matthew's gospel. We can hear the all-day workers' complaints about the distribution of the monies earned. It is like conversations we can hear today from those who feel they are overworked and underpaid compared to others. The event in Matthew is somewhat like the description of the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son. That son felt the father was so unfair to him in rewarding his profligate brother on his return.

How easy it is to stand back and complain, assigning to the part-time workers or those more rewarded our won perceptions of their incompetence or laziness. What is actually happening? The criteria for the payment is being set up not by the owner but by the complainers.

Jesus, as we know, has a different outlook, a different set of criteria. Time cards? They mean nothing. He looks at everyone through the eyes and heart of love. We could phrase his story with these words: "Is my decision to reward all as I see fit a cause of envy for you? Is my generosity a threat to you?" Perhaps Jesus' story is a challenge not only about fairness but about generosity as well.

When we feel that others are better treated that we are, it is time for us to realize Jesus loves all of us equally. Maybe we might see ourselves as extraordinarily blessed even though we might have too much time grousing about what others do or don't do.