Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The O Antiphons in Reverse: Tomorrow, I will be with you.

The Benedictine monks arranged the O Antiphons in the order presented for a specific reason.  "If one starts with the last title and takes the first letter of each one  a unique Latin phrase is formed.
E  Emmanuel
R  Rex (king)
O  Oriens (radiant dawn)

C  Clavis (key)
R  Radix  (root) 
A  Adonai (Lord)
S  Sapientia (wisdom)

The two words ERO CRAS can be translated as "I will be tomorrow," or "I will be with you tomorrow."  What has been the object of our prayer for the last seven days concludes with what would be the words of Jesus himself:  "Tomorrow I will come."  Thus the octave end with great joy and peace:  Emmanuel, God, is with us.

Thanks to Rev. William Saunders who published an article on the O Antiphons in the Arlington Catholic Herald.