Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Conversion of St. Paul: Sunday, January 25, 2009

However the conversion of St. Paul actually occurred, what we need to consider about it is how strange it may seem on the surface. Jesus comes to the man who persecuted and murdered Christians. Today members of the U. S. Senate are challenging a man who did not pay some of his taxes. I suspect St. Paul would have the chance of the proverbial snowball's fate in hell were he examined by the Senators. Yet, Jesus takes a look into the future, into the genuine skills and abilities this man, Paul, has. He sees in him a power to attract and to teach others.

In this year of St. Paul, we do have the opportunity to reflect on just what it was about this man that attracted Jesus to him. What was there in this man that Jesus believed would change many lives?

Who really knows? What we do know is that Jesus saw in Paul a man who was willing to fold his tents and march into the world with the message of Jesus' saving graces. His life is a challenge to us: to actively attempt to make our lives as strong and energetic for our faith as was Paul's.