Sunday, February 8, 2009

Is God my priority?

Monday of the Fifth Week
Mark 6:53-56

Yes, it the same pathway you have seen before. A picture like this, however, speaks volumes!

These verses close Mark's sixth chapter. No doubt the chapter full of miracle bring about a sense of wonderment to the disciples who were with Jesus. Would people who read the chapter in full length today have any of sense of wonderment? What does it mean that this man healed many ill and infirmed people, that he fed 5000 plus people with just five bread loaves and two fish and that he calmed treacherous waves for his followers whom he joined in their boat. Would people today say that this was an incredible man? Do you feel that way about this same Jesus?

From the outset of his ministry, Jesus was a teacher in the lives of his followers. His message is simple: challenges, while difficult at times, nonetheless can be simple: simple if God the Father and his will have a priority in one's life. There is nothing that can stop Jesus from healing us, from driving the "demons" we possess in our hearts far, far away from us.

The question that might be before us today is this: "Is God a priority in my life?" Remember: a priority is something that is put before something else. Again, the question is this: "Is God priority in my life?" Perhaps the "demons" that drag us down, the bring about depression, anxiety, frustration, hurt and any other of the many ills in society might not be so damaging and painful if God was the priority in one's life.

Where does your path way of life lead? Is it to the Lord?