Sunday, March 22, 2009

Healing--Intention: 4WL

Today's Readings
One of the most powerful or formational readings to have an influence in my life is entitled The Power of Intention. Those who have followed these reflection may recall remarks about the book several years ago.
The author is Dr. Wayne Dyer. My copy of the book is heavily marked with notes, underlines and the yellows of underliners. Today's gospel brought to mind Intention.

From the outset of the gospel selection today, Jesus' words express what Dr. Dyer has put into print. May Jesus' words fostered Dr. Dyer's depth of thinking in this matter. When Jesus and his followers walked passed a man born blind, the disciples asked who if his parents were to be blamed for this because of past sins? A natural question for the people of Jesus' time. But Jesus immediately responds that his parents' previous lives had nothing to do with the disability. Rather, Jesus says "... it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him." Too often the significance of these words are too quickly passed over by readers, hearers and preachers. Why? Because few have an understanding of "intention" as a power that exists in our world, in our experience every day.

The mentality in Jesus' time toward a child born with a disability was a sign that God was taking revenge on parents and grandparents for whatever sins there may have been in their lives. Were that true, it seems, all of us would have been born with one kid of disability or another because of the reality of original sin!

Jesus' intention here and throughout the gospels, throughout his life is to teach us that he came into this world with one intention: "to do the works of the one who sent me."

Dr. Dyer suggests that we imagine intention not as something we might do but rather as a power or force that "exists in the universe as a invisible field of energy." We might ask this question: "Have I ever experienced intention as a power in our world quite similar to the power of love? I suspect most will answer affirmatively. Love is a reality we cannot touch, we cannot buy even though many believe that it can be bought.

When a person feels inspired, we stand in awe. We step back and give a right of passage. That inspired person (in-spirited says Dyer) knows what we might all the Holy Spirit working within!

All of us have that Spirit within us. It is the spirit and power of intention. It was the spirit, the driving force of all that Jesus did in his preaching, his teaching. He was on fire with intention -- doing the Father's will.

Let's close with one question: "And you?" Have you ever considered that the power of intention existed before you were born? It was. Look at your relatives and friends who have died. Look at history. The power of intention continues today. In our times and days of crisis do we turn to this power of intention as a source of energy, as a source of doing the Father's will?