So, what should we learn from this event? Here Jesus' actions are a reminder that we need to have a firm belief in the good will and power he possesses. This event is a reaffirmation for all of us of his care. When we are confronted with any kind of hunger, we should not forget Jesus' words: "I am with you always." Whether there be a personal need or a communal problem, Jesus Christ is always present for us, ready to hear our requests, always willing to extend his hand to us.
Do you genuinely believe this? How do you experience his willingness to serve your needs? Prayer and trust are two realities that help us draw closer to Jesus. Personal time with an open heart before Jesus will affirm for you that Jesus will feed you more than you can ever ask of him.
"One does not live on bread alone
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Mt 4)
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Mt 4)
So, the "word" comes to you not only in silent prayer but also form the very words of God found in scripture. Your bible is a genuine pathway that leads you to God.