Saturday, May 23, 2009

Humility: Know-It-All's Downfall

In today's first reading, we encounter both an experience of genuine humility and sensitivity.

An renowned speaker, Apollos, and a scripture scholar, was plying his trade in Ephesus. His topic: Jesus. His personal experience seems to have been only the baptism of John.

Priscilla and Aquila listened with attention and then took him aside to further his understanding of the Way of God.

The example of sensitivity: Priscilla and Aquila take Apollos aside rather than challenge him publicly about the insufficiency of his awareness that Jesus is the Christ. He is the way to know the Father.

The message to us today: we know so much especially in these relatively early days of learning from the computer's opening up so much to humankind. Even the computer can teach us so much about God that we may not have known. Yet, there will always be the need for us to come to the Lord with humility ... to learn more about God and his relationship to each of us and how we respond to his love and care for us.

We may have an incredible amount of knowledge at hand today but there will always be those realities that God wants to share with us personally ... if we are humble enough to know that He is calling out to us every day. Hearing the Word of God in our hearts and accepting what God is saying to us requires great humility ... it is the admission that "I am not in charge of everything!"

Our life is somewhat like the picture above. We need to walk some of our days in freedom from all the distractions that block our coming to know God's voice for us. Remember: God's voice is not a blaring: It is a whisper. Like Apollos, we have to be strong enough to listen.