I invite and petition all who read this post today to join me today and each of the next 364 days offering a prayer, no matter how short nor long, for the men who have "heard the call" to serve the people of God through a priestly vocation.
A Prayer for Priests
Lord Jesus Christ
our great High Priest
continue to bless our brothers
who are giving their lives
for the service of your people.
From sunrise to sunrise,
from north to south, east to west
your priests have one mission:
to bring your love
to all they serve
through their priestly ministries.
Fill them with the joy
of your Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus Christ
our great High Priest
continue to bless our brothers
who are giving their lives
for the service of your people.
From sunrise to sunrise,
from north to south, east to west
your priests have one mission:
to bring your love
to all they serve
through their priestly ministries.
Fill them with the joy
of your Holy Spirit.