Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thursday After Ash Wednesday

In Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Moses exhorts the Jewish people preparing to return to their homeland after their wandering in the desert.  His message to them is also a treasury for us today.  He is to the point: live the life of the Commandments and "you will live and grow numerous and the Lord, your God, will bless you...."  In speaking in such a way to the people, their great leader is putting before them "life and prosperity, death and doom."  This was the choice for their future; this is the choice for us each day.

Lenten practices serve to remind us that to experience the goodness, the abundance of God, we have to remain faithful to the Commandments.  There is no other way.  Loyalty to God is a genuine, sometimes almost-superhuman challenge.  It is a demanding life so often requiring a heartfelt and disciplines metanoia.  Some truly believe that following the life of the Commandments is for sissies, for the pious among us.  Little to they know!  The life of the Commandments requires self-control, patience and a determined adherence to what is fidelity.

Sinfulness.  This is surely the principal activity that we are called upon to examine in our lives during the the annual Lenten season.  The examination of our lives and the weaknesses that lead us to sin during these forty days will lead us to a healthy repentance.  We will grow closer to the Lord our God on this journey.

In Lent we must face where we need to change if we wish to be successful.  If we can overcome our weaknesses, God will shower his blessings, his prosperity upon us.