Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday: Dedicated Apostle, Bartholonew

After reading  Paulo Coelho's, The Alchemist, the words of today's gospel for one reason or another recalled a sentence that the author puts forward more than once:  "Where your heart is, there will your treasure be also!"

Clearly the apostle, Bartholomew, was a man of commitment and purpose.  He was a person, like so may today, on a journey, a spiritual discovery, somewhat like Santiago in The Alchemist, seeking to unveil his purpose, his mission in life.

From the Scriptures we do learn that Philip was the "alchemist" in Bartholomew's life.  His searching led this native of Cana in Galilee to become, in a way, "born again."  He encountered Jesus and knew this man was indeed the way, the truth and the life.

While the feast day, as with the feast days of the other apostles opens our minds to role the apostles served in the foundational years of the new Church, we might ask ourselves about our commitment to our Church.

Do we have the same spirit, the same "energy" demonstrated by the apostles as they travelled to many places to establish or strengthen the Church"  Surely our local churches are burdened by a diminished participation.  Likewise, there are teaching we are called to hold a truths, as doctrines of our Church that are rejected or ignored.  And where are we in being genuine apostles for our Church today?

Having mentioned Coelho's The Alchemist, I would also like to mentioned Dr. Wayne Dyer's latest revelation of his own self-discovery, The Shift.  These two books are good reads and bring the reader to a serious examination of "Who and I?"