Saturday, September 25, 2010

26th Sunday: A Gospel of Warning!

We've heard this gospel story many times.  And, as usual, we know Jesus told the story for not just one but many reasons.  To understand what his purpose might be for us today, we can best reach an understanding if we imagine role-playing for just a few moments.  Let's ask ourselves where we might find ourselves in the Jesus presentation.

Most of us would not see ourselves as Lazarus, the sick man.  Most, we hope, would not  be the Rich Man.  He can be described in a simple sentence.  He just doesn't get it! 
So where are we in the story?  The surprise answer well might become evident if we see ourselves as the Rich Man's brothers.  The Rich Man wants to send warnings to them about how they live their lives.  I suggest this because Jesus is offering warnings to us.  This is the heart of the message.  This parable is delivered to the people of Jesus' time as well as our own to instruct, to teach ... again to warn.

I see Jesus' purpose as this:  hardness of heart when confronted by human misery  --which we can ease or remedy-- "utterly and completely" divides us from our God.  We are warned by the Son of God that we earn separation from the Kingdom of God when we ignore or refuse to reach out to such human pain when we can do something about it.  And it seems that Jesus seems to think that most of us can help relieve such tragic life situations.

This warning tells us, as well, that we have a great need.  And what is that you might ask?  We need Moses and the prophets.  In the Book of Deuteronomy (15:11), Moses said "I therefore command you, 'Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.'"  We might say in our neighborhoods or vicinity.  The prophet Micah (6:8) makes clear what God expects of all of us:  "....What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."

The reality is this:  we cannot claim the name of Christ, or even wannabe Christian, if we walk passed the different Lazaruses we encounter.

Again, I say, "Wow, it is not easy being a follower of Jesus if we don't pray to understand the messages God has give us in the written words of the bible.