Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day 2010

Loving God,
daily we come to you
we bring our needs, our hopes.
Today, Great Abundance that you are,
we pause to step aside from our usual asking
to offer our prayers of thanksgiving.
Today is a day of remembering.
For all that we have received
our lives, the body you have given each of us,
the talents, the skills, the energies.

When you created me, Creator God,
you gave me a mission, a purpose in life.
 What a blessing.
And you never fail to be with me
each day of my journey.

I thank you for my parents and my siblings
if I am so blessed.
I thank you for my spouse
what a blessing in my life.
And for our children
and the privilege of helping them
become the men and women
they are or will be.

I thank you for my faith.
I am making this prayer
because I have learned
the significance of my faith.
So Loving Father
I/We thank you
for the countless blessings
you have bestowed on me/us.
We, Americans, know we
have abundance even in
these difficult days.

Because where monies and things
may not be in abundance
you have not failed us
with loving family and friends.

We cannot close, Father,
without a prayer for your 
continued blessings.
Help us in our needs.
