Thursday, December 30, 2010

Advanced in Years

Respect.  So often the lives of older people are not given the respect afforded others who have not reach the moniker, "advanced in years."  Why?  Perhaps it happens that their fortunes changes, their physical strength is not what it was for so many years or, unfortunately, they become we might describe as "cranky."  Yet never forget, buried in those lives there is so much treasure - if the younger folks do not fail to discover the talents and insights captured over many years by these grace-filled men and women.

Anna may seem to have become a "has been" in Jerusalem, a woman "advanced in years," or a senior ready to be put on the shelf.  BUT, thanks to Saint Luke, we see that Anna realized she had the opportunity to serve Yahweh and the people through her prayer, her fasting and telling people about the child who was to come, who was to bring the long-awaited "redemption of Jerusalem."  

So what should we consider the "message" we can take from this story?  There is much in the story for contemporary folks on both sides of the "advanced in years" divide!   First, there is the matter of respect.  Do we really take time to discover great values in the men and women who are "advanced in years"?   Our super seniors today are gifted in my ways.  How many are the parishes that are as strong as they are because of the "Advanced In Years Army"?    Secondly, we should consider how we encourage and take note of their prayer and fasting?  their wisdom? their loving words for those in trouble?  How many young folks have found great consolation in seeking support and care from Granny or Great Nanny?  Thirdly, how do we encourage this Army to continue what that had been doing in different ways?

A true friend, a leader in the Advanced in Years Army, pictured here, can no longer do the driving that she did in her earlier Senior Years to visit the sick, the disabled, the homebound or those in the local hospital.  However, not being able to drive any longer did not stop her:  she got a new kind of automobile!  She telephones and emails wonderful photos to encourage others.  Age and some illness have not stopped this remarkable woman.

Is there someone you know or live with who is "advanced in years"?  Have you helped him or her see the great treasures still possible in their lives?  Don't forget this:  often-times there is gold in those years even when they are "advanced."  Sometimes that gold is only three fee away.

Perhaps we can thank the lady most we say they do not know, Anna, for the inspiration she give those who read about her some 2000 years after her work in the Jerusalem temple!