Thursday, February 24, 2011

Firday: Embracing Relationships

Today's first reading:  read it again; hear it again.  The words, the thoughts are powerful.  Each verse is a guidepost along the way of life.  What should shout out to every reader or hearer is this:  among the jewels in your life are the relationships you develop, the relationships your nourish.

The first reading presents the relationship between friends and the second looks at the bond of marriage.  God's nature also affords us the opportunity for meaningful relationships (you know that favorite spot along a river or in a park where you love to be alone with your inner self).

The words of these readings are an invitation to you today to accept all that God has created as a gift for you to have meaningful relationships.  These words are a challenge for us to see beyond personal desires and affections for a limited number of people or things in our lives.  Ours, as creatures of an all-embracing God is a challenge to wrap our hearts and love around all God has given to us.