Sunday, February 27, 2011

MONDAY: Raise Your Hands! Surrender!

When "things" seem to go wrong with some regularity and the "loser" feels impelled to wonder if it is ever possible to succeed.  Most likely most will eventually stop and ask, "God, where are you?  Why can't I overcome whatever is blocking my being at peace with myself."

Today's gospel offers an answer worthy considering:  Jesus says "it is easier for a camel pass through the eye of the needle [those escape hatches in the bottom of the fortress walls]" to a number of failure questions.  No doubt this scene can be repeated today in many instances where men and women struggle to be free from the shackles of a wide variety of treasures.  What is it that Jesus is teaching?  He makes it clear: "For men (humankind) it is impossible but not for God."

On the journey of life genuine peace of heart and human success are achieved when are strong enough to raise our hands to the heaves and say with all honesty, "God I surrender."  This is the sign of reaching the apex!  This is the experience of true freedom!  This is when the impossible is morphed into the possible and man or woman accepts the Creator God as the power in his or her life.