Friday, March 25, 2011

Annunciation to Mary

Today we celebrate a significant moment that impacted not only a young woman but even our world today some 2000+ years later.  We know the event.  We know an angel of the Lord appeared to the young woman.

What can we gain from this event?  I would like to suggest that we recall what Mary did soon after the reality of the angel's request had been accepted.  Mary did not hide.  Neither did she run to the gossip center of the town to tell the other ladies what she had been asked to do.  What did she do?  She decided to take a trip!!!  No cruise.  No European tour.  Mary went to see her cousin Elizabeth who was also pregnant with another extraordinary pregnancy.   Immediately Mary turned to service.

Perhaps this feast day is one when we can consider all of the services Mary offered from the time she uttered her "Fiat" (let it be done!).  There are so many different individuals who are in need of assistance not only in pregnancy or even in the initial days after the birth of a child.  There are so many people in our world suffering as the result of wars, tribal conflicts, economic downfalls.

Have you ever considered that an angel may have come to you with the same question:  will you respond to the Father's will that you help those in need?  Or are we prone to respond with the words we have heard many times:  "When did we see you hungry?  When did we see you thirsty?  When did we see you in jail?  When did we see you when you were sick?

It is critically important that we watch for the easy out:  Oh, I did not know that I could have helped ....
I did not know there was a need.  Why didn't someone speak up about it?  Why didn't you tell me?

Let us not fail to ask Mary's help.  She can lead us to the various Elizabeth's that might exist in our experience, those women and men as well who may have serious need.  But we have to ask for the light, the guidance or we simply have to look around.  Again, all the foreclosed homes are monuments to failed lives.  Are any of your family or friends in that horrible financial loss number?  Did you offer to help?  Numerous examples exist.  "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us today and every day in our lives!"