Monday, March 21, 2011

Truly Trusting God

Today's first reading is one that puts forward reasons to ask ourselves about our faith, our true religious understanding of what we think about God.  Looking at yourself in a mirror, say to yourself:  "Self, so what is your perception of the person(s) you call your Creator, your God?"  Is that perception (1) appreciation or (2) trepidation?  Does fear have a part in what your call your faith?  Is fear of God what drives many away from the practice of religion?

Daniel, not the author of the Old Testament Book of Daniel, was a leading figure who encouraged the Jewish people to stand firm with their religion.  Their God was far superior to human wisdom as proposed by their contemporary pagans. Daniel's message:  "God is the master of history" (p 409, New Jerome Biblical Commentary).

For us today:  Daniel's writings are an invitation to us to strengthen our trust in God and not to fear proclaiming his goodness.