Friday, May 27, 2011


Read the words of today's first reading slowly and carefully, especially the letter contained within the reading.  There is a treasure in the communication from the Apostles and presbyters as recorded by St. Luke.  Do not overlook the belief that these words in Scripture -- all not some -- are inspired by the Holy Spirit.  I suspect I have your attention now!  What they are saying might well be summed up in the words of the picture to your left.  

How many times have you encountered Bishops, priests or other Roman Catholic men and/or women who insist on the practices that are more their preferences than the teachings or mandates of our Church?  It is not unusual!  Sadly!

We have encountered those who wish to impose on others their own likings or personal piety.  Some insist that Holy Communion not be received in one's hand.  There are also those who try to make others believe they are on the road to Hell if they do not abstain from meat on Fridays!  There are, as we know, other "preferences" some try to "enforce" upon the community of believers supposedly for their own welfare and spiritual advancement.

It is the misuse and abuse of personal freedoms that provoked the Apostles and presbyters to send the letter quoted in the first reading.  Some "holier than thou" individuals had taken upon themselves to be the judge.  They were determining which parts of the Jewish book of laws, the Torah, were to be observed by the converts to Christianity.  The letter, however, makes clear the mindset of the leaders of the young Church.

We can easily damage a person's faith, especially recent converts as well as our young people, when we feel free to assume the Chair of Peter.  There is only one Pope!  Those who believe they have the right to dictate their own expectations upon others do damage to their relationships and to the Church.  Surely this first reading sends out an important message ... particularly in times when there is division or disruption or scandal.