Wednesday, May 4, 2011

St John's gospel, chapter 3, verse 16:  The Evangelist writes "God so loved the world ...."  Now I would ask you to remove the word "world" and in its place insert the word "me."  Now read the sentence aloud ... if you can:  God so loved me ....  You might wish to repeat the words several times.  Let it sink in.  Then ask yourself this question:  What is there about ME that God finds me so lovable?  So lovable toward me that he would give "his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life."  His love is so strong that he wants to save you.  Yes, he does but FROM WHAT? we might ask ourselves.

So there are two questions:  Why are you so lovable in God's mind and heart? and What is he saving me from?  Now, if you don't feel you can answer those two questions with any ease, stop you mental wandering around and ask him:  "Jesus, what is there in me that is so lovable?"  and then, if you cannot answer the second question, ask him again:  "Jesus, what is it you will save me from?"

You may recall someone saying to you "You are a caring person."  Thinking you might say to yourself, "Well, not so often."  Again, someone might say "You are a light-hearted person."  Again, you might say to yourself, "Well, if you only knew what was in this heart of mine."  And there are many such examples ... all as different as each one of us is from another person.

And do not forget John 3: 21: But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.  Here is the sentence of genuine reconciliation.  Ask God to see "the truth" and bring it to your vision, your light, so that you can see it as healing "done in God."