Saturday, July 2, 2011

908-SATURDAY:  The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Let me share with you words from St. Laurence Justinian, the first Patriarch of Venice, a 15th century Church leader who led a noble and admirable life.  Reading the synopsis of his life might be interesting for you on this Saturday morning of the July 4th weekend.  But let me present his words about Mary from one of his sermons.

How entirely blessed was the mind of the Virgin which, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, was always and in every way open to the power of the Word of God.  She was not led by her senses, nor by her own will; thus she accomplished outwardly through her body what wisdom from within gave to her faith.

Today we probably mention the Holy Spirit a few times during the course of the day.  However, some reflection and concentration on the importance of the Holy Spirit "driving" our own minds may not be one of the ways we think about the Holy Spirit in the course of a day or week or month.

It seems to me that St. Laurence Justinian came to realize how powerful we can be in accomplish goodness.  If we realize within us is the Infinite Mind of God and we share in that because we are God's creatures.  The more we reflect upon that and come to realize how gifted we are with the mental faculty that God has given us, perhaps, just perhaps, we might better understand the extraordinary powers that Mary models for us in that wisdom that springs from the Holy Spirit within her, from which she became recognized as and titled the seat of wisdom!