Tuesday, March 20, 2012

TUESDAY in the Fourth Week of Lent -2012

Let me begin with these words:  "I need your prayers!  My computer program ....  my computer .... my lack of computerese.  My computer has been creating more problems than ever before.

The reflection for today is lengthy.  I hope it does not put Mr. Sandman to work in your eyes.  It is a deviation from the readings of the day because I am reading several books at the same time ... a little each day ... because they do complement each other.  But I was captured by a few words of St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians in the second chapter, verses 5 and 6.  Perhaps you may not have visited these two verses and come to understand fully their meaning.  Perhaps it might be scary because you think it might be "heresy" and you might be buying a ticket to eternal rejection!!!  I do not think that is the case.

Let this mind be in your which was also in Christ Jesus, who, 
being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.

Recall for a month that God created you.   That very act of creation made you and me a handiwork of our God.  Look at a work of art.  Perhaps a picture or rendition of The Pieta by Michelangelo.  Not only do you see a sorrowful mother and a beaten son who happen to be the Son of God and his mother, Mary.  You see something intangible, something invisible of the artist.  In me I know that there something of my mother and my father.  You may physical features in me that are similar to Mom and Dad, if you knew them.  You also know that there is an unseen, invisible presence in me that is a part of them.  However, as I know, my primary Source for my being is my God.

In a way similar to the examples just offered, my Creator has planted within me and every human being "a fragment of himself, a spark ..." (Omraam Airsnhov).  Yet how often do we recall and consider that each of us can look to God as the Source of our being.  Likewise we have within us something of the God who made us.  Why else would I be called  Temple of the Holy Spirit?  So in each of us there must be a "spark" of God that is invisible, just as there is something of Margaret Fisher and her husband, Milton Sr., my parents in me.

During this Lenten season as we draw closer to the great Resurrection Day, we should meditate upon what it means to have this "spark" of the divine within our very being.  Our lives can take on greater significance if and when we can grow in an awareness that the God who created us is not "something external" to ourselves but is in all reality "a portion" of who each of us is. " (Dr. Wayne Dyer)

Perhaps coming to understand this unique way in which we are created, each of us comes to know that there is something about ourselves that shares something of our God who is all-loving.  Coming to understand and believe this can help align yourself with the "spark" of divinity that is within.  This is why saints and eminent theologians have tried to teach that we are more than a human being.   We are spiritual beings which means there is something of the Divine Spirit within us.

Whenever you have a moment this evening or tomorrow, take a moment and ask yourself this question:  "In what I am doing or about to do, can I say my actions spring from the divine spark that resides within me or is it rather from my self-serving or judging ego?"