Wednesday, December 5, 2012

First Week of Advent
December 5, 2012

Abundance.  It is an expression that gives a theme to the readings offered for our consideration and today's liturgy.  I would like to reflect on this theme in and through a few thoughts on "intimacy."

Surely we can see the abundance of Jesus in the manner he cares for followers who have not eaten for three days.  He asks his disciples to bring to him what food they can gather from those who planned ahead.  A few loaves and fish become the menu for 5,000+ hungry people.  When the meal is finished there are seven baskets filled with "left overs."

It is obvious that Jesus has an intense feeling for those who had been walking along with him.  Listening to his message and witnessing the remarkable cures that took place during those days alone must have given them emotional strength.  Jesus cared for these people.  His love for them was reflected in his care.  He could have left them to be alone with his disciples.  His love was real and obviously a reflection of his intimate concern for them.  Surely he had built up a relationship with many of them who brought their needs to him.

What does this speak to us today?  It is easy for us today to say that "I know Jesus."  We are blessed by modern technology that has enabled us to share in an abundance not only of great foods and drinks.  Just think of the information we have been given by means of the computer and the Internet.  How abundant is our knowledge of God because of the information we can have before us in mili-seconds.  Our access to book knowledge as well as the spoken word of so many remarkable preachers and teachers is indeed an example of an abundance before us each and every day.

What is easily lost in this explosion of "God-Knowledge" is what makes our salvation possible.  What is it?  It is the opportunity this abundance source of knowledge puts before us:  the ability to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus.

In these early days of Advent, let me extend to you this invitation:
You are invited
each day of the year
to share in the most abundant moments
a follower of Jesus can have.
You are invited
to build an intimate relationship
with Jesus Christ.

You need no text books only your bible and your time.