Tuesday, April 23, 2013

25th Day of the Resurrection Season

Marching onwards to the conclusion of the Resurrection season as well as the Church's great day of Pentecost, we can find today's readings as an invitation to pause.  Pause for what reason?  Rather than focus primarily on the activities described in the readings, we have the opportunity to look at ourselves in a mirror.  And what or who is it that you encounter?  Oh, yes,it's me!

Remember what the final,words of the first reading were?  We are told at a specific event those who followed Jesus were designated "Christians."  Is that what comes to mind at any of the several times you may look at yourself in a mirror?  I recall a time when I would visit an office in NYC.  I needed the elevator to get almost into the clouds!  The elevators were unique because passengers were given the opportunity see themselves as others saw them.  I would check to make sure that my hair was combed, my jacket buttoned, my fly up, and a smile on my face.  When I visited my friend in his heavenly nest,  I often appeared in full clergy dress.  Of course my co-passengers realized I was a priest of one kind or another as signaled by my roman collar.  However, on the days when I travelled incognito (regular civilian dress-down Friday informal dress) some "colleagues in the rocket ship rushing to the 62nd floor either paid no attention or offered that questioning look:  isn't that a familiar face?

My question now is this:  did these people ever wonder if I was a Christian?  I did think of that often because my extrovertish personality so disliked the monastic silence of those rides!  I loved breaking the silence as we were breaking some kind of barrier as my ears were want to "pop" as our space ship docked at that 62nd floor landing deck.  "We'll, I hope your day is filled with successes!  What could show better concern for those working the financial district!!!

So, obvious ask:  and what do you do to make the work of Jesus touch the lives of those you meet each day?  Will they feel they have met a Christian?  I trust they do!