Monday, April 15, 2013

3rd Week, 16 Day of Resurrection Season

"Believe in the one He has sent!"  Could there be any directive simpler than what you have just read? Are there not moments when we seek  what God wants for me in my life?  If we are honest with ourselves in moments of questioning, is it not because we confront a task that seems difficult, one that we would like to avoid?

Look at how Stephen was confronted by people who did not want to accept what he was preaching.  Stephen was simply teaching what Jesus had put forth as the will of God.  So often when God's will  is a challenge, the temptation is to see it as something that does conform to the way I want to live.

Make me understand the way of your precepts,
and I will meditate on your wondrous deeds.

These are words from the 119th psalm used in today's liturgy.  David is praying for greater wisdom in understanding God's will for him.  The sentiment in these words is a reminder to us when the journey we are following, when God's plan for me is something I might not want.  The world and all its glitter might seem better than God's plan.  These are moments when God asks of me what He asked of Peter at the shoreline breakfast we recalled in yesterday's gospel reading: "Follow me !"