Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How Can I Work Here?

Mark 6:1-6

Dear Friends, 

The above citation is from today's liturgy.  If you read it carefully, you can understand why I felt the title of this letter seems suitable and appropriate.

In these words and actions I sense a truly frustrated Son of God.  Simply because one man, son of a carpenter -- reducing Jesus to a menial status in society -- speaks like someone they have not heard before.  Additionally the temple folks had heard the gossip about Jesus and his miracles.  Jesus, one of their own, had become a threat to them.  They could not figure out this man, one they had known for years -- since he was a young child.

When someone enters your life with words or ideas that are different and challenging, how do YOU react?  Words from Pope Francis?  From our Cardinal Wuerl?  From the American Church leaders, your Pastor or another preaching priest?  Or just another Christian sharing thoughts that may be the results of his/her personal prayer?

Perhaps the words of Jesus recorded by the Evangelist, Mark, speak challenging words to the temple congregation that are just as significant to us today as they were when they were first spoken.

I recently saw a picture of a young person climbing up the face of a mountain.  This is a person facing true challenge.  She would not do this if it were not exciting!

Pray to God today that you might always possess the excitement of a mountain climber when God puts a challenge in your life.

Oremus pro invicem,

Fr. Milt