Friday, June 27, 2014

Sell Cleverness - Buy Bewilderment

From the Hermitage

Dear Friends,

Words from today's gospel reading:

for although you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to little ones.

Did you ever stop to think about the youngsters and the cereal aisles of grocery stores?  You have read references to this unique experience parents encounters with their children.  What is it that makes even the youngest among us captivated by the hundreds of boxes of the morning fare?

Why this thought on the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus?  Let's start with the header for this posting.  It is taken from the Rumi Sufist poet.  This famous 13th century poet wrote "Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment."

What is it that the "little ones" possess in abundance that we adults seem to have allowed to fade in the past as we adapt (and adopt) very different ways.  Is it not the awe, the wonder that fills their heart that we might think about after reading Jesus' words printed above?

Perhaps we might think about the Heart of Jesus as something like the cereal aisle.  Now don't think I have lost my mind!  The Heart of Jesus is an abundant source of grace, love, and care for us IF we but approach His heart as a child approaches the experience of the cereal aisle:  Excitement, awe, need, want.  Did you ever stop to think that the cereal aisle trip for youngsters is a moment when their heart rate climbs? 

As we approach our Savior on this feast day that celebrates his divine love for us, approach him in your prayer just as a child on the cereal aisle.  "Mom, we need this one.  Mommy, can't we have that one, too."  And on and on.  Let your mind and heart be free as you come to Jesus today.

Today is a time when our prayer need not be a posturing experience.  No!  Let it be just an experience of bewilderment as we come to Jesus and imagine for a while:  imagine the goodness that comes to us from his heart.  Let your heart be open and free, just as a child's would be.

Oremus pro invicem.

Fr. Milt