Thursday, July 3, 2014

Doubting Thomas

From the Hermitage

Dear Friends,

Who is this man, Thomas?  How does he open our heats and mind to our very being and to our God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

Surely we can ask ourselves if we have been like Thomas?  How so?  Doubting, of course!  Did you ever wonder why most experience doubting when someone or something opens the doors of change we are are invited to walk through those doors into something new?

Can the experience of change be complete without a does of doubt?  Rare the child of God who walks through the doors of change without doubting what suspecting the outcome.  Perhaps we might see the good or bad of change when we recognize doubting as the scales the Holy Spirit provides us with his gifts of wisdom and understanding.  Doubting easily helps us know if a specific change is God's will for us.

Consider Thomas as our partner, our teacher, our friend in our efforts to gain the insights of doubting which can enlighten our process of evaluation.  Rather than look upon doubting as something negative or evil, we might consider doubting for what it is:  the innate gift to perceive with wisdom.  Doubting should be considered a fault or weakness.  Does not Thomas teach us that doubting can help us better understand where and how God leads us?

As we celebrate Independence Day, let us pray to St. Thomas to be our companion in those moments of doubting which well might be moments opening us the true freedom God wants us to share with him our our brothers and sisters.

During these days, I ask you for your prayers for me as I have accepted an invitation to change, the invitation to step from retirement back into the full-time ministry of parish life, serving as Administrator of a wonderful parish.  Know that it was the pathway of doubting about several important aspects of retirement that ultimately led me to feel free enough to accept the invitation to assist my brother priests in pastoral ministry.

Oremus pro invicem!

Fr. Milt