Wednesday, July 23, 2014

He Gives What We Need

From the Hermitage

"Ah, Lord God!" I said,
"I know not how to speak; I am too young."

"But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit,
a hundred or sixty or thirty fold.
Whoever has ears ought to hear."

Dear Friends,

First, I do hope that you understand that my absence from these pages has come about because of a new assignment that has fallen upon my shoulders.  I have assumed the Administratorship of the parish where I have been living for the last several years.  So, as you can imagine, the last few weeks have been days of special attention and care to wonderful parishioners and a very loyal staff.  I do ask that you remember my needs in your prayers during the days and weeks ahead as I confront the challenges that are mine.  Despite my many years in priesthood and administration, I do feel somewhat like Jeremiah.  Little did I ever consider at the age of 73, I would experience a call to return to parish leadership.

Of course it is wonderful to be reminded that God wants to use me once again to lead his people.  There are moments some mornings when I put my feet on the floor on awakening when I question my sanity!  Yet, I realize how blessed I have been to be called to priesthood and to leadership roles to serve the people of God.  Whenever I have those thoughts or feelings of reluctance, I must remind myself that my God is always present to give each of us whatever it is that we might need in the tasks that he has asked of us.  Whether priest, faithful spouse or dedicated and sacrificing parent, when God calls us to serve, he will always be present for us.

Consider yourself as the seed that Jesus spreads on the soil.  What we seek to do for God, all of us share a vocation to serve the Lord despite the kinds of soil that we may have to encounter.  But we must never forget that somewhere in our callings, we will find ourselves working in good soil.  Our efforts will not go unrewarded.  We must never fail in trusting our God.

Oremus pro invicem ... now more so than before!

Fr. Milt