Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ye Ole Comfort Zones

St. Ignatius House

Dear Friends,

Good morning!  In his letter to the Galatians, Paul puts before the people a challenge to their faith.  His words also address us, living in our world of so many distractions, options and genuine challenges.

What does Paul challenge in our lives?  Simple, simple, simple:  our comfort zones!  Each of us needs to see what in our comfort zones holds us back from enjoying the fullest experience of our faith, our relationship with God.  In his teachings and examples, Jesus is calling us from comfort to faith fidelity.

A simple question:  "Do you allow Jesus Christ to work in your life?"  As we read in today's gospel the phrase all of us have heard and read:  "Seek and you will find."  The Holy Spirit is forever present to us to be our guide, our inspiration.  His whisperings in our hearts are the road signs guiding us to the Father.

Thanksgiving.  Yes, not far down the calendar now.  Yet, thanksgiving today and tomorrow.  Do we take a few moments each day to give thanks to God for what has been given to us?

Challenging the comfort zones of our lives is making the effort to surrender whatever we feel we cannot live without.  There it is!  

PS.  I have come upon a fascinating publication that you can find on line.  It is free from the remainder of the month of October.  In its pages and articles you can find well-prepared insights into the pulse of our Church around the world.  To get to Global Pulse, go to Google but add the word Catholic after the title of the publication.  There are many operations that use the title Global Pulse.  I hope you find it interesting and helpful to your faith journey especially in this year of preparation for the September 2015 gathering in Philadelphia to celebrate the Family.  So, it is Global Pulse Catholic that will lead you to the website.  Enjoy.

Oremus pro invicem.

Fr. Milt