Tuesday, June 24, 2014

His Name Will Be John

From the Hermitage

Dear Friends,

Let this feast day be a special day for you.  Honoring John the Baptist affords you the opportunity to consider your relationship to God.  Especially today, in the first reading from the Book of Isaiah,  you might reflect for a few moments on the prophets understanding of his vocation to be a spokesperson for Yahweh.

The LORD called me from birth,
from my mother’s womb he gave me my name.

You are my servant, he said to me,
Israel, through whom I show my glory.

Each of God's creations has a special mission.  Look at today's bright sunshine (at least that is what you have in Lanham, MD).  Now consider what has God called you to do, to be.  Regardless of one's age, the mission of God is in your heart and soul.  In quiet let these words of the prophet Isaiah stir in your heart, even if only for ten minutes.

God called John to be the one to introduce the Son of God to the world.  How did he carry out the special mission entrusted to him?  John obviously had read and read and prayed and prayed in the desert silence.  Through his preaching, through his call to repentance, John was able to introduce "the one who comes after me" as the Son of God.

And you, what is it that God has called you to be and to do?  Can your write that down in a simple sentence?  And know that most likely what God wants you to be is perfected in you as you grow, as your spiritual life strengthens.

Have a wonderful day and allow Isaiah and John the Baptist to help you understand more clearly how you are to be God's voice in your family, in your office, in your circle of friends.

Oremus pro invicem!

Fr. Milt