Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Good News Bearer

From the Hermitage

Dear Friends,

Today's gospel reading is a reminder to all of us that we have to do all we can to make certain that all of our actions are indeed what the gospel writer refers to as good trees, good fruits.

What comes to mind, for myself and my brother priests, is that each time we stand before a congregation, be it a full church or only a few of the faithful seeking to be with God, the people of God are looking (and listening) for a few words that will help them in their needs.  How many are times when a worshiper will say as we greet each other, "Father, your words today must have been meant for me."  What a grace and gift from the hearer but especially from the Holy Spirit.

Each of us, priest or not, is a daily proponent of the Word of God.  Through our own words and actions we bring to those around us the ever present presence of God in our lives.  Sometime it is simply allowing ourselves to speak God's message.  And each of us can do that if we ourselves seek to be with God a little each day.

Oremus pro invicem!

Fr. Milt