Myself, Fr. George Bur, SJ and Fr. David Sauter, SJ. are together for a 50th Jubilee Celebration for the Jesuit priests of the novice class of 1959. Fr. Bur invited me to join with my former classmates.
The history lesson: we three have carried to title, President, St. Joseph's Preparatory School, Philadelphia, PA.
Yours truly was the first of the three to lead "Prep." Fr. Sauter, a man of steel, succeeded to serve for 21 years -- surely the guarantee of a one-way ticket to heaven and possibly one reason that Dave has remained so thin. Then, two presidencies later, Fr. Bur assumed to leadership.
What Jesuit noviceship class can boast that three of its members were so much a part of one President's office?
Thanks, George, for inviting me to join with you and the others of our noviceship class celebrating, hopefully, our own advancing in wisdom, grace and certainly age.