Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Attitude is more important than aptitude."

In the sales world the phrase above is used in many training workshops. It is a sentiment good for each of us today, especially in a world of stress, a time of crisis, on a hopeless day. It is a statement we can use to evaluate our own spiritual life. This simple sentence can be used to discern why my Creator God has me here on this earth at this time.

We use the word "attitude" in many ways. However, today I hear it more often than not in this sentence: 'He/She has a real "attitude" problem. Ask yourself this question: What is the meaning of this sentence, this sentiment for me? Let me help with the answer. Is it not an expression of a person's reaction to or handling of the "cards that have been dealt" in his/her life or the people encountered each day?

Doesn't the attitude I manifest in every situation reflect the values I carry within my heart? Each of us is "here on a mission from God." Each of us also has an attitude toward how I live and work in that mission. Whether in an office, a classroom, on a job site, in a hospital, even while using public transportation, what is the attitude I make known in how I react to situations or other people?

Aptitude is not THE key to success for sure. Is it not the attitude or, better yet, is it not the passion that is the fire in my belly that can lead me to live in the fulfillment of God's plan for me?

A few words from the Responsorial Psalm in today's Eucharistic Liturgy might give you some thoughts:

The Lord has eyes for the just and ears for their cry ...
the Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.
(Psalm 34, 17 and 19)

Oh, the models above? Two friends who may now wish
they had never visited me in those uniforms!!!