Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blooming Genius or Blooming Idiot!!!!!

In today's gospel St John reminds us that the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to each person created by God.  Sometimes we might think that some of us are more gifted than others because he or she scored higher on a national test or ranked higher in a graduation class or landed a job with a higher salary, etc. etc..  It is very easy to look around a select a way of seeing "unfair" distribution Holy Spirit wealth.  Just think:  how many times have you felt someone was better off that you are?  It is hard to believe that there is anyone who never had such thoughts.

The reality behind the differences, it seems, might well be that those who seem to be "better off" are nothing more than people who have come to understand what talents were available to them as they grew.  Some may indeed have had a better skill in under standing the structure of H2O and other chemicals.  Did you ever fully grasp the formulation for determining the speed with which a bullet, fired straight out from a gun you might be holding, would go before it landed on the ground?  Yes, there are some who can do this.  But then, you know they had their moments with difficulties.  Someone once said to me "It must be great to have so many talents and skills."  Well, he walked away confused when I replied, "Yes, it sure is.  But, but you have not asked my how "great it is" handling the other things in my life that are not such successes!

Like the flowers above, we are all  of us given the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Some of us can burst open and be a shining star for just a short time.  Others might bloom for a longer time.  Others, seemingly, might not bloom at all -- but what beautiful house plants they might be!

It is "so" important, not just important that each of us come to know what it is that God expects of us so that we can plug into the talents, the powers, the wonders of our own personal creation.  Know who you are.  Know what you are missioned to accomplish.  Do that and you will realize how wonderful God is and that he loves you more than you can imagine.

There was inconsistency during the last few days of postings.  Why?  Because I was a house plant not a bloom flower when it comes to discovering computer difficulties.  The person, Fred, who helped me by taking over my computer on line today, told me "Did you ever think that you had 383 infections on you hard drive?"  The reply:  "Of course not but that is why I finally took the humble pill and turned to someone who is so much better at fixing computers than someone who helps fix other kinds of difficulties!  

Does this  resonate with you and your life?