Saturday, June 26, 2010

For You and For Me

We read this sentence from Isaiah in today's gospelHe took away our infirmities and bore our diseases.  We need to ask the Holy Spirit to open heart and mind to understand fully what Jesus was enduring.  Furthermore, we need to understand that this one sentence should be read as a statement of our personal relationship with Jesus, the Suffering Servant.

All humankind has sinned.  You and I, we are sinners.  We should not and cannot fail to keep this reality in our minds not as a cause of guilt.  Rather, we should see in this both a call to gratitude and to a determined effort to control the sins in our lives.  If we are honest, most have a sin or two that is or are, we might say, a favorite(s).  We, each of us, have an evil path we choose to walk.  It is for this, for us sinners, that Jesus came to be among us, to take away this very sinful habit.  This is the true weight of his cross that he carried for me,  this is the pain of the various tortures he endured for me,  this is the death that he accepted for me.  For me, the sinner.
From this we should learn that the death of our soul is not the end for which we were created.  Rather, Jesus endured our human frailty that we might forever have the life for which God created you and me.