Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gotcha or Not???

These Old Testament verses teach us that no matter who we are, there is with each of us the possibility of falling victim to the powers of Satan.  Likewise, St. Matthew recounts that reality but presents a cure.

So easily, if we are not vigilant, we can create for ourselves idols -- people, things or powers that can steal our hearts away from God.  We create secret passwords for our computers.  We purchase not so inexpensive security systems for our homes and for our cars or trucks.  Even our churches are pot on guard each day after most Masses.  We are attentive to safeguarding our possessions and protection our lives.  Yet, how careful are we to protect our hearts and souls?

The cunning powers of Satan create idols that can bring us to our knees in adoration and adulation even before we realize we are victims.  Once we are trapped, how difficult it is to set ourselves free.  For as well-educated we are as people in a modern world of high technology and scientific advances, consider the destruction and/or damage done to families and other personal relationships by the ever-expanding markers of immorality and materialism.

How said it is to see one's life destroyed by the worship of a way of life that has become an idol.  How tragic to see a truly successful life dashed on the rocks by give in to the power of Satan, the all-consuming power of sin.

Matthew's gospel words today contain a simple sentence repeated by the crowds who watched Jesus drive from the body of a demoniac the possessing power of idolization:  "Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel" (9:33).

Ours today is a calling to trust in the power of God to protect us from all evil!