Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday: The Promise that Won't Go Away!

Ezekiel's message is ever so clear for the people of the 21st century:  despite whatever sin there may be recorded in an individual life, God says "For I will re-establish my covenant with you."  Through the spoke world of Ezekiel, the God who created each human being stands firm in his covenant relationship:  "I will forever remain true to you"  This God of ours promises each of us his pardon "for all you have done."

Are we nothing less than extraordinarily blessed.  Regardless of one's sins, either their severity or number, God promises "I will remember the covenant I made with you."  This is the message of hope for those who genuinely struggle with certain weaknesses and/or sins.  How important is this promis to those who bring their sins to the Sacrament of Reconciliation!  Every confessor has encountered the penitent who speaks of the firm decision to back away from a particular sin only to discover how the strong spirit of evil can smash that firm intention not to sin again.

Let all of us remember that while the humanity in us can so easily bring us, almost consistently, to failure, we cannot overlook that which is stronger than the power of evil:  God does not abandon us.  He does not give up his love for us and our efforts.