Monday, February 14, 2011

Tuesday: Wondering Maze???

In the words from the early part of the Book of Genesis that we read today, we are witnesses to the Creator God in a moment of utter frustration and regret.    He saw the "incessant sins" of humanity but at the same time looked to a future that would be in the hands of one man he deemed to be righteous.  This man represents the new beginning, the revival of humanity.  Give a few thoughtful moments to these words: "... for I am sorry that I made them.  But Noah found favor with the Lord."  Some believe the words of Yahweh are the signs of one "caving in."  As we know humankind's interaction with God, we might designate these words as the "first divine caving in."

The gospel we read today presents a continuation of humankind's disappointing performance:  "do you not yet understand ....  Are your hearts hardened?  Do you have eyes and see not, ears and hear not?"  these words were put before his special group, The Twelve, because Jesus was so disappointed and frustrated by their "not getting it."  "Do you still not get it?" he asked them after he realized that they did not fully understand the meaning of the two times he multiplied loaves and fish to feed thousands of people. 

Today were the Son of God to physically walk among us would he not ask the same questions?  In our world today "teaching and forgiving" could easily sum up God's work.  Each of us knows that God continues to endure our sinful behavior, our "not getting it."  Shouldn't we be asking ourselves "What kind of God is this?  Why does he continue to pardon, to forgive time after time?  Shouldn't we not find in our answers that our God is "no ordinary God."  And what does this say to me?