Friday, May 13, 2011


Sorry for late delivery.  Google Blogger was down for at least two days and has lost the last two postings for this blog.  Go technology!!!

Wouldn’t conversions be easy if we could experience a needed metanoia (change) as quickly as the Christian persecutor lived through as described by St. Luke in today’s first reading.  I’d like to beat the habits that have been a part of my life as quickly as Paul surpassed his harmful dislike of the Jesus followers.  Wouldn’t you?
What we learn from the life of Jesus as well as the teaching of the prophets isn’t too difficult to understand but believing might be somewhat challenging at times:  God will always walk with us.
How many are the years each of us have proclaimed that Jesus the Christ is risen!  Yet have the consequences of that faith-profession helped us shed those blinding scales from our eyes?  Does our proclaimed conviction bring us to genuine conversion?  Surely our proclaimed conviction bring us to genuine conversion?  Surely we could toss in the towel.  Yes.  However, to quote Psalm 117: “... the fidelity of the Lord endures forever.”
We must recall how many ways or signs God gives us even each day that will help us remove the scales from our eyes.  The most powerful sign God gives us is when we hear the words “The Body of Christ” and that Eucharistic gift is placed into our care.