Sunday, October 9, 2011

We Begin Again

Monday, October 10, 2011

Of course some wondered when early October would occur. Well, today begins middle October. And so we continue our journey of faith.

There are many ways in which we are called to undstand the love of God. In particular, we are called to deepen our understanding through the world around us. You might reflect on the many "here and now" circumstances that place a challenge before you. You could become a space cadet and think about future times. If you do that, you miss the power that can be found in the present moment and what it offers or asks of you as a follower of Jesus Christ.

For me the lives of the three women who were recently awarded the Nobel Peace prize, are an example of what genuine love for others can produce. Three women who struggled daily and who risked their very lives in order to bring an end to repression toward women in their native lands of Africa and The Middle East. Until equality exists between men and women, they believe, world peace will never happen. I encourage you to check Safurday's WASHINGTON POST or the Internet to come to know their stories.  There are many women in our country who work tirelessly for just.  You might recognize them in the recipients' lives.

These are three women who do not tolerate injustice. They live lives of commitment. And so, as we begin another series of reflections, perhaps one way we can come to a better understanding of God's love for us is to better understand the injustices that exits not only in foreign lands but in our our country, states, communities and families and determine to do what each of us can to make others aware of these tragedies. Within our own neighborhoods there are marginalized men, women and even children in many instances through no fault of their own. Are we comfortable just sitting on our own chairs doing little or nothing about their situations?

Let's begin again with an effort to make sure injustice does not a free reign in our own hearts!  Where will your pathway lead you in the remaining days of 2011?